Zviedrijas vīzijas

 Broken one


 Way home 3 [1]

 The Jag


 After the rain

 Sunset in Skeviks - enhanced


 Dock window

 Just wheel 3

 In the way to the cave 2

 In the way to the cave



 Sunset in Skeviks [1]

 The way of light


 Every morning`s view

 The first night at Skeviks 2

 The first night at Skeviks


 Way home 2

 Way home [1]

 RR 3


 RR 2


 The last leaf


 Apples in Skeviks Garden

 Skevik`s forest 2

 Skevik`s forest

 City in motion 2

 City in motion

 No title

 No title

 Indifference 1

 Indifference 1

 Another Stocholm`s kirk 2

 Another Stocholm`s kirk

 Tears of the stone - enhanced [1]

 Some nice place somebody will recognize :)

 View from Skeviks hill

 Old Stocholm Street [1]

 Just wheel 2

 Just wheel 1

 Stocholm looker-on 3

 Stocholm looker-on 2

 Stocholm looker-on 1

 Parliament gate


 Parliament vision [2]

 Vasja ?

 On duty

 Stocholm, brightening 2

 Parliament hallway

 Stocholm, brightening [1]

 Gustavsberg's kirk

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